Development & Design
Teaching Myself New Things: Adobe XD
Recently I have started using a website recommended to me by a friend called I think I will try and do a short post
May 3, 2020
Development & Design
What makes a great product manager?
I have been thinking about this so much lately and comparing it to what I have done and accomplished. I am so proud of my
April 4, 2020
Fun Projects
Teaching myself new things: Rubic’s Cube
I want to try and learn new things all the time. I think it is really important aspect for anyone in their career to do.
March 29, 2020
Development & Design
WordPress Tips and Tricks
I run across a few really great tips with all the WordPress work I do, so I thought this would be a good place to
August 1, 2019
Side Notes
Don’t be a stock leader like this stock image…
Stock images are as useful as a stock leader… minimal. Maybe a good place holder until you put the real deal in place. I was
March 11, 2018
![IPad Pro iPhone X](
Side Notes
Things I love… New apple products
I got the new iPhone and new iPad Pro and no I am not a fan boy… at least I don’t think I am. I
January 7, 2018